Laboratory is one of the sections of the hospital to provide diagnostic laboratory services to admitted and referring patients 24 hours a day.
Tests which are done in different units of this laboratory are:
- Histopathologic and cytopathologic tests with special chemical staining.

Quick diagnosis facility for tissue lesions through frozen section and cytology for patients under the operation.

 -All diagnostic biochemistry tests which are done by automatic auto analyzer device.
 -Protein electrophoresis with diagnostic hormonology.
-Hematologic studies using automatic cell counter systems.

-Clinical bacteriology
-clinical immunology and serology by means of serological tests, Elisa and specific immunological tests by different methods such as immunofluorescence.
-Biochemical and cytological tests on urine body fluids.
-Parasitological tests.
-Tissue biopsy from superficial lesions and organs like breasts thyroid for cytological diagnosis of lesions by means of a delicate needle.
Considering the expertise in fellow pathologists of this section, ATIEH hospital’s laboratory is turned to one the referring and consulting centers in cases of kidney liver and digestive system disorders and lesions as well as thyroid cytology.

Direct fluorescence test of tissues is also done here.All procedures and laboratory diagnostic stages are done under the direct supervision of pathologists and accurate daily quality control

All laboratory tests are quality checked by an institute in Finland called Labquality.

-Equipped with the latest devices concerned with hormones, tumor markers, viruses, immunological tests and cardiac markers with an extra-ordinary sensitivity and accuracy using E.C.L and C.L.I.A methods.
-latest blood cell counting device similar to H1 system equipped with a laser for highly accurate differential count.
-Frozen section device for rapid diagnosis during the operation.
-Fluorescent microscope for studying pathologic samples of kidney or skin and immunological tests.

Immunohisto-chemistry markers in order to achieve advanced results in modern pathology.
-Advanced and accurate devices for performing biochemistry tests.
 -highly advanced machinery concerned with P.O.C.T and medical emergencies. (This section will soon inaugurate molecular diagnosis with the most advanced facilities).

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